Food Waste Dryers for Prisons

Every time a vehicle enters of leaves the prison premises there is a heightened security risk. The Eco-Smart Food Waste Dyer reduces the number of food waste wheelie bins by 80% or more so can make a contribution to improved prison security.
Many open prisons have their own gardens and use composting systems to recycle their food waste. But for prisons in cities with limited grounds, drying food waste is a perfect option.
Alternative technologies such as waste-to-water systems and macerators are either banned or in disfavour for environmental and sustainability reasons. This is because they discharge food waste, in either solid or liquid form into drains. The Eco-Smart Food Waste Dryer has an important role to play in improving the environmental footprint of the prison estate.
The Eco-Smart Food Waste Dryer is already in use in many UK prisons. They have been supplied both directly or through facilities management contracts (e.g. Serco).
How Much Food Waste Does the Prison Produce?
All prisons currently using wheelie bins, macerators or waste-to-water systems, should weigh food waste daily for one week before disposal. This will give an accurate measurement of total weight and the peaks. Typically, this reveals much higher weights than expected.
Which Food Waste Dryer Is Right For My Prison?
Knowing the weight of food waste produced daily is key to deciding which model of food waste dryer is right for your operation. For example, the ES150 has a maximum capacity of 100kg per day. If your weight is close to this or peaks above this the you should consider a larger unit or splitting the volume across two smaller units.
Another consideration is the kitchen operational hours. The drying cycle is typically 13-16 hours depending on how full it was at the start of the cycle. Most kitchens want to load new food waste as it is produced so having two smaller units will allow one unit to be drying, while the other is loaded. For example, a kitchen that produces 150kg per day could choose one ES300 unit (maximum load 200kg). If the machine is loaded and switched on at 7pm, it would be ready to empty (lasting approximately 15 minutes) at approximately 10am.
Alternatively, you could use two ES150 models (100kg maximum each); one for breakfast and lunch waste, starting the cycle around 2pm; this cycle would finish around 5am, ready to be emptied and be available for loading as soon as the kitchen opens. The other unit could take all the afternoon and dinner waste, being switched on at say 9pm, with the cycle finishing at 12 noon, ready to receive the afternoon waste.
For More Information
We have extensive experience dealing with food waste in prisons and can come to your prison to discuss your problems and objectives, and how our Eco-Smart Food Waste Dryer can meet and solve them. For more information on the range go to our products page.

Download Your Guide To The New Food Waste Disposal Rules In England
The Problems of Traditional Food Waste Disposal Methods
The Immediate Benefits of the Eco-Smart Food Waste Dryer
How the Eco-Smart Food Waste Dryer Works
Choosing the Right Model for Your Organisation
What Happens to the Dried Powder?
Installation and Commissioning
Maintenance and Servicing